Rihab Chaieb

Support Our Songs

Ticket sales provide less than half the revenue needed to support Vocal Arts DC’s main stage recital series. We are grateful for the support of foundations and government agencies. However, the mainstay of our budget is the generosity of individual donors. Your contributions not only make possible great recitals, they also support important activities benefiting the greater Washington DC community. These activities aim to promote the song recital by developing new singers and new audiences.

Our printed programs for each performance list several levels of support:

Founder ($5,000 and above)
Impresario ($2,500 – $4,999)
Guarantor ($1,000 – $2,499)

Benefactor ($500 – $999)
Patron ($250 – $499)
Sustainer (up to $249)

Contact Us



1025 Connecticut Ave NW #1000

Washington, DC 20036
